Smart Answers To Dumb Questions.

1. How to impress your crush?
Ans- Get abs and rich. And beautiful.
And a caring personality. And a mansion in jupiter.

2. Does he \she like me?
Ans- No.
Seriously, how do you expect google to know who that he or she is and do they like you or not?

3. Why are guys and girls not the same?
Ans- To reproduce. If they were the same,you wouldn't be alive to ask this dumb question.

4. Is feminism cancer?
Ans- No, but people with this thinking are.

5. Why do people hate feminism?
Ans- Because some dumbshits confuse it with man- hating.

6. Do pokemons exist?
Ans- Yes ,in cartoons and your immature mind.

7. Am I dead?
Ans-Your brain is ,but somehow you are alive.
Congrats! You have successfully graduated from the zombie institute for idiots.

8. How to get rich quick?
Ans- Rob a bank ,and if you ain't behind the bars ,you are rich!
But if you are too lazy and scared,
Click here.

9. Why does math suck?
Ans-Because we apes are too dumb to understand it.

We are like the girl in a horror movie who hears a sound in the basement at 3:00 clock, who is  damn sure she is alone,
but instead of taking out a shot gun, she yells 'Is AnYbOdY tHerE?! ' like an idiot .As if the ghost is gonna reply "Yo man, want a chicken nugget?"

You high on drugs dude?!

10. Can I eat my own poop?
Ans: Of course man! Try it. Yes ,I am serious.

11. My personal favorite:

How to get abs without working out?
Ans: As a gym rat this question triggers me. You wanna get easy abs?
Of course you can man.
Nothing is impossible.
Here' s how:
Aim: To get easy abs.

Materials required:
You just need black paint.

Procedure: With the black paint, draw abs on your tummy and your doneeee!!!
 Caution: They  look really, really good , so don't show it to anyone if you care about your social life. Your friends might die of jealousy (or your stupidity).

12. Why is the sky blue?
Ans: AND KIDS...That is why you shouldn't bunk your physics class.
It's because of the scattering of light.

13. Why doesn't the heart get tired?
Ans:Exactly, it totally should get some rest. So that  all the idiots asking this question get to rest  with it. The good news is they won't get to rest on their bed, but something way more chic. A coffin.
Yeah, and one more thing, the heart has got a lot of shit to manage like keeping you alive, so it doesn't give a damn about your crush and does not 'break' when you get friendzoned by them. Give heart some respect.

14. Why does my stomach look pregnant even if I am not?
Ans: Because you eat fatty and sugary foods without exercising, obese lazy ass.


Wanna read more cool stuff?


SITUATION SERIES #1- You are alone in a room with your crush.

Wanna be famous? BE THE WORST.

DIARY SERIES #2- The Diary Of A Ghost.