SITUATION SERIES #1- You are alone in a room with your crush.

               THE SITUATION SERIES #1 

   When you are alone in a room with        your crush

You are alone in a room with your crush: Your reactions

The shy type: You do nothing. You sit there minding your own business, trying to act cool and and not creepy. You try not to get caught staring ( and drooling). You try to act normal (but make gorilla sounds instead), blushing hella lot followed by awkward silence and rapid beating of heart.

The bold one: You are the go getter. You understand that this is your moment to shine. You approach them, desperately trying to start a conversation and flirt like a boss. And eventually you propose them(and get slapped and rejected.JK!)

The unbothered: You are mature. You know your appearance. You know you don't stand a chance, so you don't even try. You know you are never gonna get laid .You either study or do some crap, trying hard to ignore them(but failing miserably and sobbing inside)

Normal: You are smart and down to earth. You talk to your crush, acting like a normal human.( but are turning wild inside)

Creepy: You act creepy and make them uncomfortable and force them to eventually leave the room or beat you up.

Savage: You leave the room like a boss...or let me be more precise you get anxious and run away(cause you get a boner and get all wet. Kids it means you pee your pants and run with a bone)

The satan: You do unspeakable things to them(you very well know what I mean) and if you are one of those sickos, I am calling 911...and 666 to reserve a special place for you in hell in case lucifer dies.

And if you are like me....
You take a knife , murder them(bonus points for beheading) and taste their sweet blood, boil their eyeballs, fry their bones, and roast their flesh for dinner. #lovecannibalism

 Note: The owner of this page is strictly against cannibalism and if you have any furthur questions regarding this ,email me and let's meet up and have a conversation about how cannibalism is cancer and afterwards let's have you for dinner (no typing errors).
Read the Part 2 !
Read the part 3!


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