The Deadliest Disease On Earth.

So what is it?
It's not what you think.
Keep guessing. I 'll  give you clues.
No cheating.
Let the suspense build.

A survey conducted by me ( yes I am a scientist) showed that this epidemic is one of the worst dangers to humanity.
This can be the cause of the death of our species.
This disease is known to cause cancers, AIDS, and a variety of amoeboid diseases.
Cause of noise pollution.
Known to cause severe migraines and piles.
This disease is one the worst threats to humanity yet nobody is talking about it.
Guess they are too scared.
Teens are more prone to this disease because of their homornal imbalances.
The worst thing is it's very common.
Your friend or your child who is in their teens might be suffering from it WITHOUT YOU KNOWING IT.
It's like AIDS ,you won't know you are suffering from it untill it's too late.
And the now comes the worst part.
Have you guessed it?

This disease is named ' ARCTIC SYNDROME'
In this disease a person strives to be cool even at the cost of their relationships and sanity.

We know all that one guy at school or somewhere who is suffering from arctic syndrome.
What makes this syndrome so perilous is that if your so called polar bear friends are suffering from it, even you will get it to 'fit in'.
There's nothing wrong with that. It's human nature.
We are social animals. We need someone to share our feelings with or else a disease called lonliness will lure us to take our own lives.
I hear people saying they don't care if they fit in or not, they don't follow the crowd and then continue pleasing others.
In scientific lanuguage we call the patients suffering from arctic syndrome as POLAR BEARS. 
Yes I am a doctor.
Polar bears unfortunately were so cool that their brains froze to death.
Let's keep a 2 minutes silence for their valueless brains.

What is coolness anyway?
A quality or condition to be at a fairly low temperature.

Why do we want to be ice?
To be liked.
As mentioned before,we are social animals .We constantly need someone of your own species with us. So our desperate attempt to make more friends,  be liked and popular causes this syndrome.

Why do we need people?
To survive and to be happy.
People give happiness.
People give you money.
Your boss or your customers pay you with papers which in fancy language we call money and money buys you happiness(don't argue with me on that. I'll be beyond happy living in a mansion with 4 dogs and a Lamborghini.)
So indirectly ,people give you happiness and that is what we want.

Beyond Materialism.
People even entertain you.
Some by doing dumb things, some by getting scared of dogs and roaches and some by doing purely innocent amd natural things such as farting and tripping.( If you laugh on that you are satan but so am I. Let's grab a coffee and have a chat in hell.)

Warning you are dealing with a cancerous polar bear.

  • They talk with sweg.
  • They walk with sweg.
  • They eat sweg for dinner.
  • They crack cancerous jokes.
Because everbody likes a person with a bad sense of humor.
  • Bad grammar and language.
Yo bruh!
Whatzz up?
I know I savage.
Y u no talk me?
Mah and mah homies chillin at home.
  • Fake accent.
Applies to people who think using bad American accent is gonna make them one. And secondly, being American is not gonna make you cool.
  • Cool sunglasses, spikes and stinky hair gels.
Sunglasses, spikes and hair gels ain't gonna make your crappy face look like chocolate mousse.
  • Self obsessed.
Their social media captions be like:
It's okay if you don't like me .Not everybody has a good taste. 
#savage #igotanewiphone
My attitude is savage, but my heart is gold.
Turn ya savage up and lose ya feelings.
And my favorite:
I am so beautiful that you don't deserve me.
Thank god!
  • Act they know it all.
They behave as if they are some sort of genius cause who doesn't wanna talk to a smartie?
But in reality they don't even know the table of two.
  • Act over confident and smart.
As it increases their sweg ( which they don't have)
  • Double faced.
As I told you, polar bears want to be liked , so they will talk crap about your enemy in front of you and vice versa.
Their photos look like:
Mass murderer...of girl's hearts...


I'll be honest. Even I suffered from this syndrome.
I searched the net for ways to be cool.
But then a wonderful thing struck me.
Now when I look back ,I see a dumbass ape who evolved into a human.

This is how I did it.
I understood the following things.

  1. Being cool ain't gonna bring me money.
  2. If I continue doing so, I will lose all my friends.
  3. Being cool makes you look fake and stupid.
  4. No matter how cool I am, I won't be able to be a refrigerator nor will I live in Antartica and own penguins.

Dedication: I wish I could dedicate this to the polar bears I am talking about, but they will get offended.


  1. Lovely.... I'm amazed. Carry on with ur great work.


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