Horror: TOO LATE

                            TOO LATE
I woke up, sweating profusely, my heart pounding, my body paralysed by fear.
 I was petrified and shocked.
I felt my blanket sliding down under the bed, as if pulled by somebody. I got up and peeked.
I was right.
There was someone under my bed!
I screamed in horror.

The dog heard me and started barking which soon stopped... I got up and screamed " No, not today! Every horror story kills the innocent dog, but not this one. Listen you dog hating demon, if you have the guts fight with me, but leave the dog! No one kills the dog!!"
"Too late!" it chuckled.
"Now it's your turn to suffer the same fate as the dog!"
I was furious and outraged.
"No one kills the dog!" I screamed.

The demon   was running towards me with a knife, but I was smart. I took out my gun and shot the already dead ghost. Dead.
I got out of my room and I was mortified. The walls started to bleed

I felt ticklish and realized the dog was licking my feet.
I sighed." Thank god you're alive!"
Then a dreadful thing happened
The bloody words of the crimson walls read " No one kills my owner."
Then I realized I did not own a dog.

That is when the dog bit me and tore off my flesh.
I was too late.

But I kept fighting,   I refused to end the story here.
 I forced myself to get up from that horrible nightmare.

I heard faint noises...
"Jenny...Jenny, wake up!"
"It's time for breakfast." shouted my mom.
I woke up , terrified and relieved at the same time.
Benny was licking my feet.
"Ben you got me!" I chuckled.
"Come down Jenny! Have your breakfast and let me have mine!" yelled my mom.
"Coming mom." said I.
Ben growled and salivated.
"You are hungry too, aren't you?"
"Mom, what's for breakfast?"
"Jenny" she replied.
"Jenny look behind you!" my mom shrieked.
I looked.
"Mom, it's just Ben. What is it?"

"I know it's Ben. He's hungry."

She took out a butchering knife and beheaded me.
"Too late, Jenny."
My soul left my body and felt the rays of the sun for the first time.
I saw my mom and Ben munching on  my body...how could they?
And then I realized... I guess you have guessed it...
I did not have a mother and a dog!
I was too late.
I saw my reflection in the clear sky and realized.....too late....that...



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SITUATION SERIES #1- You are alone in a room with your crush.