This story was written in intentions to make it scary, but it ended up being stupid.

  1. This might suck, but it's worth a read.


Explain it from the start.
What happened?

I was giving my biology exam and I aced it.
I thanked my wonderful brain for it and by brain I mean my cerebrum.
To reward me , my parents took me to a beach.
Everthing was going great,but then...
I made a dreadful mistake.

I made a comment which costed me my life.
I regret doing so.
If I hadn't made this remark, I wouldn't be here.

What did you do?

I said that the cerebrum is the only important part of the brain and others (celebellum, medulla oblongata)are useless.
This offended them.
To teach me a lesson and to show me their importance, they stopped working.
I lost my balance and fell in the sea.
(Kids, the celebellum helps balance the body)
My breathing and heart stopped and I died.
(Kids, the involuntary actions like these are controlled by the medulla).

But the bright side is they died with me!!

Oh, that's a tragedy.

Did you learn your lesson?
Yes, I learnt it. I am sorry for what I did, I will change myself.

Good. You are qualified to go to heaven.

My lesson: Words once spoken cannot be taken back. Think before you speak and act, which a lot of atrocius and dumb people don't do but luckily after reading this story, you will not be one of them and that is a good thing...
And you should thank me for that by liking and subscribing to kalement and sharing it with people who you think need this lesson.

Note: This story though being stupid was posted as I see a lot of peope acting and behaving in a dumb way. They speak out sentences without thinking twice and it shocks me.
I wrote it in intentions to lessen their number and save humanity!

And now that you have read sooooo farrr....
I will reward you with a second moral!
Take care of your brain as without it you will die which is bad as you are precious!


  1. Really funny.
    It's a funny way to teach kids
    Go on trying.


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