
Showing posts from April, 2019


A dog lover? Then you will love this. Feeling blue? No worries, cause what you are about to see now will make you feel RED!! No seriously, they are lit!! 1. Foodies will understand.  2. Life's daily annoyances. 3.  When you  are tired of life... Or just hungry. 4. What's next? Sorry for engulfing your intestines?  5. Anyways, no matter how much you trouble me, bite me , scratch me, break my things, chew off my shoes, eat my food , I WILL ALWAYS ,ALWAYS LOVE YOU. Note: The sexy model in all those pictures is my precious dachshund, Henry and adorable Max. Still not satisfied? Wanna read some more dog related content? So here are more. A diamond found, a life lost. Doggy issues.


Troublesome friend- Hey, do you know about the dark web? It's alluring ! You should definitely check that out! Me- But I heard it's perilous and amidst criminals. Troublesome friend- Hell naww!!! Those are fake news and rumours. Don't believe them. The dark web is filled with cool and interesting people. I am addicted to the dark web. It's totally safe. * after few days gets stalked, kidnapped and killed*                    THE DARK WEB. A fter I attended her funeral, I was furious and heartbroken. I wanted the murderer of my friend behind the bars. Just kidding. I did not care. Idiots deserve to be killed. I surfed the dark web just for curiosity. I was keen to know about the 'cool stuff' in the dark web, which my friend agreed to risk her life for. But as they say, curiosity kills the cat! I was cautious. I checked out the onion sites of facebook and other naive stuff. But then curiosity got the better of me. I started searching for t


                        SCARY LINES 1. She caressed me lovingly, and unleashed her fangs. 2. Inside the closet, I noticed two eyes amd a set of pearl white teeth, grinning. 3. Reflection blinks, but you don't.     Reflection grins, but you don't.     Reflection takes out a knife, but you don't.     You die, but the reflection doesn't.      Reflection takes your place and buries you . 4. Getting a big pimple , before a date. 5. I love the giggles of the child in the basement, as that is the only thing which keeps me jovial in my dark, forlorn home, as I live alone and it's boring. 6. Juliana is my friend. She is so inspirational. Even after dying, she smiles. I aspire to be like her. 7. Locking the door, forgetting the keys. Damn! 8. Talking to your doll, and it replies back. 9. Lights turn off,  you hear a cackling sound and see a pair of glowing red eyes, staring. 10. A hand holds your leg, and drags you to hell. 11. H

DIARY SERIES #3- The Diary Of A Lover.

                    DIARY SERIES #4                The Diary Of A Lover Dearie diary, What is the worst sentence ever spoken? Diary: Surprise test! Beside that? Diary: I want you to work this weekend. Anything beside that, related to love? Diary: It's over Very close. Try again. Diary: Sorry, I have been cheating on you. Okay, enough guesses. All your answers are correct, but the answer I was expecting was : I love you, but as a friend. Ouch,Bad luck boy! I know.I tried to convice her many times but failed. I gave her expensive gifts, chocolates , flowers , a love letter which was written by my own blood, my time, my heart, my everything! I stalked her and saw her sleep while hiding in the closet. I also tried to look like her exes, her current boyfriends  and crushes but failed again. She ran away, crying and  threatened to call the cops, if I don't stop. I would not stop love. As the proverb goes," Try , try till you succeed" , I w


                  HELP ME!! Can somebody help me? My friends and family, all have been murdered and skinned . The ghoul kidnapped us , to kill us and eat us. All my friends and family members have been eaten by the atrocious human. Somebody please call 911. I am the only one left in the forlorn group, please don't let me die!! Oh no!!!! They are back!!! It's the creature's child!! It will kill me!! No please stop!!! What did I even do?!!! Why are you doin- NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Mom, the banana's tasty!!! If you like my work, please subscribe to support me!! Love you lots!!

I. A.M. T.I.R.E.D.

                     I.  AM.  T.I.R.E.D. I was tired of the world, my nagging parents, my teasing friends, my annoying siblings, my cheating spouse, my obnoxious children. I am debilitated. I am fatigued. I couldn't bear the exhaustion any longer. I wanted peace. I wanted felicity. I am hungry. I am angry. So, I took out a knife stabbed and cut the body of the chocolate cake into pieces and savoured the taste , forgetting my agony. I saw Nina glaring at me. Mammaaaaaaaa!! Nina screamed. Mammaa nooooo!!!! Ahhhh!! No honey, sorry. I ain't giving you the chocolate cake. Ahhhhhh!!! Stop screaming dear. I will buy you another one. Much Better than this. Noooooooo!!! Mommm!!!! That is not a chocolate cake!! That is our cat!!!!! That was the last time I spoke to mom before she went into coma. Note: The author of this page has experienced this.  1 subscribe, 1 pray for her.


      George saw the children playing in the garden, giggling and jocund while he was taking a brisk walk with his parents. He saw their merriment and sighed. If only he was as lucky as the other children. If only people did not judge a book by its cover. He had no friends and spent most of his time in solitude. He did try making friends but failed. Some were frightened by him, some thought he was cursed and malevolent, others ridiculed him. The despised school as he was always bullied and taunted by his school mates. He loathed himself. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Poor George was born with a tumour in his face,which when removed left his face permanently disfigured and grosteque. His parents always tried to cheer him up. They tried to convince him that he is not ugly,he is just different but it was of no use. George knew himself. He sat on a bench, gloomy when suddenly,he heard screams and welps in agony. He followed the source of sound only to discover an i