
Showing posts from June, 2019

Smart Answers To Dumb Questions.

1. How to impress your crush? Ans- Get abs and rich. And beautiful. And a caring personality. And a mansion in jupiter. 2. Does he \she like me? Ans- No. Seriously, how do you expect google to know who that he or she is and do they like you or not? 3. Why are guys and girls not the same? Ans- To reproduce. If they were the same,you wouldn't be alive to ask this dumb question. 4. Is feminism cancer? Ans- No, but people with this thinking are. 5. Why do people hate feminism? Ans- Because some dumbshits confuse it with man- hating. 6. Do pokemons exist? Ans- Yes ,in cartoons and your immature mind. 7. Am I dead? Ans-Your brain is ,but somehow you are alive. Congrats! You have successfully graduated from the zombie institute for idiots. 8. How to get rich quick? Ans- Rob a bank ,and if you ain't behind the bars ,you are rich! But if you are too lazy and scared, Click here. 9. Why does math suck? Ans-Because we apes are too dumb to understand it.


This post is dedicated to my true love. There is some mysterious, alluring force which attracts me towards you, I don't know what it is, and I guess I won't ever know. I don't know what is so charismatic about you, Neither do I know why every moment spent with you is so pleasurable. Whenever I am with you, I forget all my worries. With you, I can be myself. You are my shoulder to cry on, And someone I can lie on. Someone I can laugh with, Someone I will never fight with. Someone with hypnotising beauty, Someone with a golden heart. It's painful to leave you and go to work, Every moment without you sucks. Your soft and supple skin is extremely pleasing, Every moment without is  profoundly depressing. I miss you at work. I miss you at school. I can't wait to see your beautiful face, Every second without you, feels like a million days. Dearie, I can't wait to go back home. My eyes are tired, craving to see you, My body is fatigued, cr

Wanna be famous? BE THE WORST.

Disclaimer : The stunts in this post are performed by professionals, please for humanity's sake ,don't try to imitate them. What if I tell you hard work is NOT the key to success? Nor is discipline. Nor is perseverance. Nor is talent. Nor is productivity. You do not need any of these qualities. What if I tell you there is a way you can get easy success? It's easy and also fun. Isn't that great? Once you have this asset, fame is gonna fall into your lap. And that beautiful thing is.... CRINGE. What makes cringe so good? Cringe, unlike the other keys to success is really easy to possess, requiring little or no effort, is fun to make( not for the one who is shooting it) and gives you success really fast. If you make good content,you will get success after 5 years of hard work. But if you make cringy content, you are gonna get the same success in around 10 days! Why do I say it's easy? Because it really is. You just have to be the worst