Smart Answers To Dumb Questions.

1. How to impress your crush? Ans- Get abs and rich. And beautiful. And a caring personality. And a mansion in jupiter. 2. Does he \she like me? Ans- No. Seriously, how do you expect google to know who that he or she is and do they like you or not? 3. Why are guys and girls not the same? Ans- To reproduce. If they were the same,you wouldn't be alive to ask this dumb question. 4. Is feminism cancer? Ans- No, but people with this thinking are. 5. Why do people hate feminism? Ans- Because some dumbshits confuse it with man- hating. 6. Do pokemons exist? Ans- Yes ,in cartoons and your immature mind. 7. Am I dead? Ans-Your brain is ,but somehow you are alive. Congrats! You have successfully graduated from the zombie institute for idiots. 8. How to get rich quick? Ans- Rob a bank ,and if you ain't behind the bars ,you are rich! But if you are too lazy and scared, Click here. 9. Why does math suck? Ans-Because we apes are too dumb to understand it....