Good artists copy, GREAT ONES STEAL.

BORING YET IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I am NOT encouraging you to steal other people's content. Infact, it's the other way round. I am insulting artists who steal, cause no matter how successful and famous they are, they have no right to steal someone else's hardwork. So pardon me if your sentiments got hurt. Super common introduction: Welcome to Kalement's serious section. This section was created when the owner of this page was going through an existential crisis ( period cramps to be precise) and was done with this shitty world and wanted to make a change. More serious stuff: The deadliest disease on earth Wanna be famous? Be the worst. Plagiarism,a serious topic. The famous artists you adore, the famous writers who you love for their creativity, are they really that creative? Ever thought that the baller song you' re listening to might be stolen? Me neither. So now it's time to thing about that. So what the hell is plagiarism? Plagi...